Joint CFA-40/YIAG – Tylney Hall Conference on 9 December 2016
As previously announced, the CFA-40 is proudly co-organising with YIAG an Interactive Workshop on International Arbitration
This conference will follow the “Tylney Hall format,” whereby participants are invited to submit questions in advance and then to introduce those questions orally at the conference. It is therefore intended to be an interactive discussion between participants and an opportunity to share experiences. By way of guidance, we attach the questions submitted in advance of a Tylney Hall YIAG Symposium held in 2015.
To register for this event, please go to this website: ( Young_Internatonal_Arbitraton_Group.aspx
Please submit your questions or topics for discussion by no later than Thursday 24 November 2016 by email to
The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception hosted by Orrick and then a dinner at the restaurant Les Noces de Jeannette, 14, rue Favart (cost of 60 euros per person to be paid that evening).